Friday, August 19, 2011

Sporting the new 'Skins swag

Gotta represent!



Here's a brief transcript of my conversation with our Josie Kaye Lau Lau when she first busted out some random exercise routine the other night.

Baba: Hey what are you doing?

JKL: Exercise!

Baba: Wow you're really good at that. Who taught you to exercise like that?

JKL: Ms. Veronica! (her teacher at daycare)

Baba: That's awesome. Do you guys exercise everyday?


Two days later ..

Ms. Veronica: Hey do you guys exercise with her a lot at home?

If we'd only knew where she comes up with this stuff ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tired ...

Has it really been almost a month since I've last posted? I suppose having two munchkins really do eat up a lot of our time (but in a good way). I'm finding that I'm staying up later and later just so I can check my emails and stay on top of my own stuff. We got a lot going on here day in and day out. By the time the we get both girls to sleep we're looking at almost 11'o clock. Part of that is due to the fact that Mui Mui is awake more now that she's a bit older. It's great to be able to interact with her but I do already miss the days when she'd be out by 8 after a bottle and some snuggling. Now grab a quick shower and do a couple of things and it's midnight before we know it. I suppose I need to figure out that algorithm where I can turn toys and dirty diapers into additional time (because God knows we do have plenty of that.)

Here's a pic that Mama took yesterday of our chubby Mui Mui. She's almost 11lbs and can support her head and legs incredibly well.

Doesn't she look like such a big girl already? Keep a lookout for a ton of pics! We've got Sesame Street Place, Mui Mui's 1 month dinner, Corn Roast, and much more.