Monday, July 11, 2011

Cow Appreciation Day

We're still recovering from a tiring but fun weekend. I wanted to put up a quick post while I sort through pictures for the next update from Jordin's 1 month old Chinese celebration in Virginia. It was a throughly hot and exhausting day, but it was good to see everyone again.

So before we went down to Virginia Saturday, we had something equally important (if not more) to celebrate on Friday. It happens once a year and there's nothing short of the world coming to an end which will get in my way of taking part. So what was it? A birthday? An Anniversary? Negative. It was Cow Appreciation Day @ Chick-fil-A, that's what. What does that mean? It's quite simple actually. Dress up a like a cow and get free food. We've been doing it for a few years now, and it's truly a win win. Josie loves doing it and we love to eat there. Also, it's much less loser-ish now than it used to be now that I have little ones to do this with.



  1. adorable pictures - have you run out of your coupons from last year already?!

  2. haha, laura, i was thinking the same thing!! but the pictures are sweet ... and it looks like you had a good time!
